Dear Subscribers,
The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is ready. To view, please click on
Or paste this Web address to your browser.
The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA's loan programs.
In this edition you will find:
1. Fiscal 2008 Lending Report
2. Revised Fees for 7(a) and 504 Loans Approved During FY 2009
3. SBA's Lender Portal
4. 2009 Michigan SBA Lenders' Conference
5. Lenders Supporting the 504 Loan Program
6. Nominations for Michigan Celebrates Small Business Awards
And more…
For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at or telephone (313) 226-6075.
Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.
The Michigan District Office
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