วันพุธที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

SBA 2011 Awards - Nominate A Winner!

2011 National Small Business Week

It's that time of year, again! Do you know a small business owner or champion
that deserves recognition? National Small Business Week will be observed May
15 – 21, 2011.

The SBA is requesting nominations for 2010 Tennessee Small Business Person
of the Year and Small Business Champion Awards. This is your chance to honor
small business owners and small business champions in your own back yard!
Complete nominations packages must be postmarked by Friday, November 12,

Steps to submitting a nomination package:

1. VISIT www.sba.gov/tn look under SPOTLIGHT and click on 2011 TN Small
Business Award Guidelines. For your convenience SBA Forms are included at
the end of the document. The complete national guidelines publication is also

2. REVIEW the list of awards, criteria and what the package needs to contain.

3. PRINT out the page with Award criteria and package requirements for each
award you are considering. (Small Business Person is two pages)

PACKAGES to help create a nomination package that stands out. Feel free to
call or e-mail if you have questions.


1. Use the rating criteria as an outline for organizing your nomination and use
headings to transition from one rating criteria to the next. Doing so enables
judges, who have limited time to review each nomination, to quickly evaluate
the nomination. It will also reduce the chance that critical information will be
overlooked. Be aware, judges may not go searching for information that is out
of order.

2. Speak directly to each rating criteria. Failing to respond to any one of the
rating criteria could prevent an otherwise outstanding nominee from being
selected. And have someone else proof read your nomination - grammatical
errors and misspelled words detract from the quality of the nomination.

3. Keep your narrative to a minimum. Critical facts about your nominee's
successes can easily get lost in unnecessary verbiage. However, include all
information necessary to highlight the nominee's accomplishments in simple
language and explain technical terms in a manner the non-expert will

4. Include all information required for the award category. Nominations may be
disqualified if nominators fail to submit all information required for that
particular award. When in doubt, contact your local district office for direction.

5. Include a high resolution, 300 DPI, color headshot and five or six candid
action shots showing the nominee(s) with their employees, customers or
engaged in work or community activities and /or electronic 300 dpi photos of
the same on CD. Xeroxed copies are not acceptable.

6. Be aware that judges will only be reviewing black and white duplicate copies
of the material you submit. Content is more important than a decorative

7. Fully disclose any and all SBA assistance a nominee has received, including
SBA loans, procurement assistance, or assistance from SCORE, SBTDC,
Women's Business Center, or direct counseling/assistance from an SBA district

8. Businesses and individuals with compelling stories are often seen very
favorably by judges; look for a factual, yet engaging angle to present your

9. Letters in support of nominations are an excellent way to highlight individual
or business accomplishments, but seek letters from individuals having firsthand
knowledge of these accomplishments and ask that the letters site specific
examples of the nominee's successes and contributions.

10. Use underlines to bring attention to important facts in your supporting
documents - such as letters of support and news clippings. Don't use
highlights; doing so may turn out to mask the words when duplicates are
made. Nomination packages must be received at the Tennessee District Office
in Nashville on or before Friday, November 12, 2010.

To find nomination guidelines and information for these and other awards visit
the SBA Tennessee web site: www.sba.gov/tn. Look under SPOTLIGHT.
Contact David Tiller (615) 736-7176 or Sherrie Burns (615) 736-7766 for more

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To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF TLNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is ready!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA's loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. Michigan's SBA Director Temkin to Retire

2. Fiscal 2010 Lending Report

3. Nominations For Michigan Celebrates Small Business awards

4. Upcoming ReadyTalk Session November 4

5. Changes in SBA Form 159

And much more…

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

Note: This is an informational newsletter and is intended for lenders that
participate in our loan programs.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันอังคารที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Personal Invitation to hear Mayor Sanders

The honorable Mayor Jerry Sanders will address the Small Business advisory
board on October 15, 2010 from 8:30AM to 11:00AM. This event is free to the

Please RSVP to: Lgordon@Sandiego.gov by Thursday October 14, 2010.


Directions to Balboa Park Club/Santa Fe Room:
From 163 South, take the Park Blvd. exit, and go left at the stop light unto
Park Blvd., then another left at the next stop light to turn west onto
Presidents Way. Continue to the stop sign (Balboa Park Club is straight ahead
beyond parking lot) where you can go straight to park in the Pan American
Plaza parking lot or make a right and park in the Organ Pavilion lot. The Balboa
Park Club is located in the South Palisades area of Balboa Park, just north of
the Puppet Theatre. The Santa Fe Room is to your left at the main entrance.

As always, if you would like to be removed from this distribution list, please
forward this e-mail to richard.blum@sba.gov and I will remove your name from
the list.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

September 2010 Newsletter

Here's our September 2010 newsletter with our end of the Fiscal Year loan

As always, if you would like to be removed from this distribution list, forward
this message to richard.blum@sba.gov with remove in the subject and I'll take
your name off the list.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

SBA Fall 2010 Newsletter

Los Angeles SBA District Office's Fall 2010 newsletter is now available.

Inside you will find information on:

1) The Small Business Jobs and Credit Act (detailed summaries of provisions)

2) Appointment of new SBA Region IX Administrator

3) National Export Initiative

4) The new SBA.gov Web site

Please take a moment to look at the updated Web site at:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF LADNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.