วันอังคารที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

March Loan Clinic

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Vermont District Office

SBA Loan Clinic on March 6, 2012 at 9:00-10:00a.m. or Noon - 1p.m.

SBA's free virtual loan clinics take place via conference call on the first Tuesday of each month from  9:00-10:00a.m. or Noon - 1p.m.

To access the call, dial toll free: 1-888-858-2144. When prompted, enter the meeting number of 888-858-2144 and the access code of 2779422.

To view on line, log on to http://www.connectmeeting.att.com and use the same codes referenced above.

Need more information?   Call the SBA Vermont Office: 802-828-4422, ext. 211, or e-mail vallerie.morse@sba.gov or click here.

This email was sent to mail4sbaloanbl@gmail.com by Small Business Administration · 409 3rd St, SW · Washington DC 20416 · 1-800-827-5722 Powered by GovDelivery

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

For Your Info: Contracting Officers Seminar for Small Businesses

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from the SBA Washington Metro Area District Office
Federal Niche Market Solutions company logo

Contracting Officers Small Business Seminar

March 15, 2012 * 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM * The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Arlington VA

Seats are filling quickly! Register Today!

Dear SBA Small Business Owner,

Please consider this correspondence to represent your invitation to attend the Contracting Officers Small Business Seminar. Speakers at the Seminar will be high level Contracting Officers and Acquisition Personnel from FDIC, HUD, USAID, Treasury, the National Gallery of Art, GSA, and DOD.  SBA's Regional Director, Ms. Bridget Bean will also be making a presentation at the Seminar.  The Seminar's date, time and place have been set for March 15, 2012 at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, 1250 South Hayes Street (Pentagon City) in Arlington, Virginia, from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM.  There is a fee required to register for this event. Prior registration is required because spaces are limited.

The overall purpose of the Seminar is to provide a forum in which:
  • Small Businesses can hold dialogue, pose direct questions to Federal Contracting Officers and Acquisition Personnel and receive answers concerning how to develop better Federal proposals
  • Federal Acquisition Professionals can talk about the mistakes Small Businesses make when they respond to Federal Solicitations (RFP's)?
  • Contracting Officers can tell Small Businesses exactly what Federal Technical Evaluation Teams (TET's) are looking for when they evaluate, select a successful proposal and award a contract.  Small Businesses need to gain knowledge about the specific elements of the proposal evaluation process?
  • Small Businesses can learn what a Congressional "Continuing Resolution" means for Small Business contracting opportunities, in the Federal Government.
  • Small Businesses can become aware of what Current FY 2012 Federal Agency Budget Cuts mean for Small Business contracting opportunities.
  • Effective March 14, 2011, SBA issued new Regulations.  How do the new Regulations affect Small Businesses contracting opportunities?
  • On February 4, 2011 SBA established a new Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program.  How does the establishment of this office affect Small Businesses contracting overall?
Our Seminars fill quickly. Don't miss your chance to attend. Seminar fee is due at time of registration and there will be no registrations accepted on the day of the Seminar. To register, please contact Federal Niche Market Solutions at 202-363-6596 or FEDNMS@verizon.net. We look forward to seeing you at the Seminar.


Federal Niche Market Solutions
4200 Cathedral Avenue NW, Suite 714
Washington, DC 20016

This information is provided as a courtesy. The US Small Business Administration is not responsible for the content of this email or its accuracy. Please direct all inquiries to Federal Niche Market Solutions at 202-363-6595 or FEDNMS@verizon.net

This email was sent to mail4sbaloanbl@gmail.com by Small Business Administration · 409 3rd St, SW · Washington DC 20416 · 1-800-827-5722 Powered by GovDelivery

วันพุธที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

VtSBDC Tech Drivers III

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SBA Vermont District Office

Tech Drivers III -  Monday, March 05, 2012 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Vermont Technical College - Randolph Center

VtSBDC will be hosting this one-day conference at Vermont Technical College in Judd Hall.  Topics include:

  • Intellectual property rights under SBIR/STTR
  • SBIR/STTR Reauthorization news
  • New SBIR Commercialization requirements
  • SBIR/STTR funding options for your research activities
  • SBIR/STTR Proposal strategies
  • Networking opportunities with business-accounting-legal-SBIR/STTR strategists

Fee: $75.00

For more information contact Scott Holson at 802-281-5236 or sholson2@vtsbdc.org 

This email was sent to mail4sbaloanbl@gmail.com by Small Business Administration · 409 3rd St, SW · Washington DC 20416 · 1-800-827-5722 Powered by GovDelivery

Binatang - Binatang Yang Nafsu Ama Wanita

1. Waduh neh cewek sexy banget pake rok mini lagi . Ngga tahan gue , mending gue robek aja langsung roknya . He he he

2. Wee kebetulan neh ada cewek cakep , intip CD nya Ahhhh. Ooops putih sama donk ama tuan gue punya.

3. Gue tarik rambut nya aja ahhh biar bisa lihat bukit yang indah

4. Gile neh cewek cantik amat. Suit....suit..... lho koq dicuekin. Gue cium aja ahhhh.

5. Nah ini neh cewek yang pantas jadi istri gue. Gue angkut aja deh

6. Kaca sialan neh gangguin aja mau cium cewek aja jadi susah.

7. Imut amat neh cewek . Gue caplok aja deh kepalanya

8. Aduh kangen neh cium dulu ah

9. Wee cewek ini pengen ngajak gue french kiss. Ayo emangnya gue ngga bisa neh gue buktiin.

10. Nafsuin neh bibirnya gue sosor duluan ah

11. Nah ini neh tempat paling nikmat katanya .

12. Walaupun kepala gue di pegang ama neh cewek, lihat aja ekor gue juga masih bisa beraksi lho.

lihat sumber

lombat 18 Feb, 2012

Mr. X 18 Feb, 2012

Source: http://bloggermalaz.blogspot.com/2012/02/binatang-binatang-yang-nafsu-ama-wanita.html
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BBM Langka Tiap Akhir Pekan

Setiap akhir pekan, bahan bakar minyak (BBM) subsidi langka di sebagian wilayah Batam, Kepulauan Riau. Warga mempertanyakan keseriusan Pertamina menjaga ketersediaan BBM.

Pada Sabtu (18/2/2012) di SPBU Baloi, pengelola memasang tanda BBM dalam proses pengiriman. Namun, para pegawai SPBU itu tidak bisa menjelaskan kapan premium dan solar tiba.

"Selalu saja susah seperti ini tiap akhir pekan. Manajemen seperti apa ini," ujar salah seorang calon pembeli, Sukirno. Ia terpaksa keluar SPBU Baloi dan mencari SPBU lain.

Sementara itu, SPBU di dekat Duta Mas memasang tanda kehabisan solar. Tanda serupa terpasang di SPBU bandara, Pelita, dan empat SPBU di kawasan Batu Aji.


nindi 18 Feb, 2012

Mr. X 18 Feb, 2012

Source: http://andinewsonline.blogspot.com/2012/02/bbm-langka-tiap-akhir-pekan.html
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Raffi Ahmad Habiskan Malam Ulang Tahun di Rumah Yuni Shara

Jakarta - Raffi Ahmad genap berusia 25 tahun pada Jumat (17/2/2012). Raffi pun mengahabiskan malam spesial ulang tahunnya di kediaman sang kekasih, Yuni Shara.

Di malam pergantian usianya itulah Yuni memberikan kado kepada presenter 'dahSyat' itu. Raffi mengaku mendapat kado berupa kamera dari Yuni.

"Biasanya jam 12 malam kalau aku atau Yuni ulang tahun suka ngerayainnya bareng-bareng. Entah berdoa. Atau apa," paparnya usai mengisi acara 'dahSyat' di studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Jumat (17/2/2012).

"Tadi malam juga. Tadinya sih aku pengennya di rumah aja. Tapi Yuni bilang harus ke rumah. Akhirnya aku ke rumah Yuni. Dikasih kado. Tahun ini dikasih DV Cam itu," tambahnya.

Saat disinggung mengenai pernikahan, Raffi menagku enggan terlalu jauh membicarakan pernikahan. Baginya, bertambahnya umur bukan harus buru-buru menikah.

"Kalau 25 tahun itu kan sudah seperempat abad. Tapi kalau menikah kan nggak harus dilihat dari umur. Harus dilihat dari kesiapan mentalnya. Kalau umurnya 30 tapi kalau belum siap ya nggak bisa juga. Umur 21 tahun kalau udah siap ya silahkan," pungkasnya.



(author unknown) 17 Feb, 2012

Mr. X 17 Feb, 2012

Source: http://hanyagosip.blogspot.com/2012/02/raffi-ahmad-habiskan-malam-ulang-tahun.html
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Yang Mau liat janda di sini.gan


Arie Anto 18 Feb, 2012

co-ademin 18 Feb, 2012

Source: http://cupu-blog.blogspot.com/2012/02/yang-mau-liat-janda-di-sinigan.html
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