2/17/2009 by President Obama, contains many initiatives that are being rolled
out to help the country's small businesses during these challenging times.
The ARRA has numerous tax incentives and credit stimulus elements targeted
to help small business owners as they navigate these challenging times. In
particular the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has been authorized to
temporarily eliminate most borrower fees associated with new guaranteed
loans. Many more provisions in the ARRA provide stimulus to the economy and
involve other Federal and State agencies.
To learn more about the changes within the SBA, go to
http://www.sba.gov/recovery/index.html. The site can be accessed through
the Vermont District Office's SBA website at:
http://www.sba.gov/localresources/district/vt/index.html. Other Federal and
State Agencies will have information as to how the act can benefit you and
your small business as well.
We encourage you to seek out more information and support with your
business efforts by viewing these websites or by calling us at the Vermont
SBA District Office in Montpelier. We can be reached at (802) 828-4422, and
look forward to assisting you.
Vermont District Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
87 State Street Room 205
Montpelier, Vermont 05602
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