message to our newsletter subscribers to inform them of a new federal law.
We will send these notices from Federal, State or Local government agencies
to inform you of changes to laws that affect business interests.
As always, if you no longer wish to receive our newsletters or these notices,
please forward this e-mail to with unsubscribe in the
message and I will remove your name from the e-mail distribution list.
Dear Community Partners and Associations:
Flavored Cigarettes Banned in U.S.
A new federal law went into effect on September 22, 2009, banning flavored
cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco from being manufactured, imported or
sold in the United States. These products are subject to seizure by federal,
state, or local enforcement authorities. Members of your association who sell
cigarettes or roll-your-own tobacco may be affected by this new law. It is
important, therefore, that your members are informed of the new restrictions
regarding the sale of these products.
The State Board of Equalization (BOE) is asking for your assistance with our
efforts to inform individuals and businesses who sell these types of products.
Attached to this email is Special Notice on this topic. This Special Notice is
also available on the BOE website at
Your assistance in helping us spread the word is greatly appreciated! We
encourage you to share this information with your members as soon as
In addition to the attached Special Notice, the BOE has a variety of other
outreach tools. We would greatly appreciate your time in completing the brief
online survey to provide us your feedback on how you can assist with our
education and outreach efforts. Please respond by Friday, December 11,
Click here to take the brief survey
If you indicated you are interested in partnering with us, one of our Outreach
Analysts listed below will be contacting you soon to coordinate our joint
outreach efforts.
Southern California Northern California & Bay
Ms. Joan Groener Ms. Linda Lewis
Phone: 310-342-1043 Phone: 916 322-8400
Email: Email:
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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.