Matchmaker Conference
Monday | April 26, 2010
8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. | Barre Auditorium | Barre, Vermont
Plan to attend this free Small Business & Lender Matchmaker Conference on
current financing options available through banks, credit unions, non-profits,
state entities, and the federal government.
Meet one-on-one with lenders to talk about your specific situation and attend
the following workshops:
Find Your Way through the Lending Process Grow Your Business through
Government Contracting and Understand Bonding Requirements Learn about
Alternative Financing Options
To register and prepare for this event, please access the Special Events (top
right corner) of www.Leahy.Senate.Gov Web site or call SBA at 802-828-4422.
This event is sponsored by the following:
VT Procurement Technical Assistance Center / U.S. Small Business
Administration/ VT Small Business Development Center / VT Bankers
Association, Inc.
USDA Rural Development / VT Community Loan Fund / The Association of VT
Credit Unions
Cosponsorship Authorization #10-0150-92. SBA's participation in this
cosponsored activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or
services of any cosponsor or other persons or entity. All SBA programs and
services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested
at least two weeks in advance. Contact Robin Miller | VT PTAC 802-828-5240
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