The ReadyTalk session scheduled for Thursday, February 3 is being postponed until Thursday, February 10, at 10:00 a.m.
In addition to the previously announced agenda in the latest Bank Notes, we will also discuss the revised Dealer Floor Plan Program and the new Advantage Loan Programs.
To access the the February 10th ReadyTalk session:
From your computer:
1. Logon to
2. Login as a participant using the access code 3051501
3. Enter your name, etc as requested
From your telephone:
1. Dial 866.740.1260
2. Enter the Access Code 3051501 & press #
3. Say hello!
If this is your first ReadyTalk Conference, we recommend that you test your browser compatibility and network connection prior to the conference by logging onto the ReadyTalk site and click on the "Test your Computer" button under the login.
Note: This information is intended for lenders that participate in our loan programs.
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