June 14, 15, 16, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm at Vermont Technical College, Williston Campus, 201 Lawrence Place, Room 401B, WIlliston, VT
June 14 - Marketing Your Services or Products to Federal Buyers
Successful business owners must constantly sell their services and products to new customers and work feverishly to retain and grow their existing business base of satisfied customers. Marketing to the Federal Government is very much like marketing to any potential customer except the business owner must learn and understand what the Federal Government buys and how the Federal government buys services and products. This workshop will address the nuances of marketing to the Federal Government and a few specific topics including: Agency Forecasts, the Federal Budget Process, and the Acquisition Cycle, The importance of making contact with the buyer, and developing marketing strategies to maintain strong market presence.
June 15 - Estimating and Bidding on Construction Contracts
Pricing construction jobs requires specialized experience and a set of very specific skills. An expert in pricing information technology service projects, despite his capabilities, may be seriously handicapped in a construction job costing environment. The focus of this workshop will be the pre-requisites and proven techniques for accurate and competitive construction estimating and bidding. These proven techniques may be used by both General Contractors (GCs) and specialty trades. The objective of this workshop is to outline, discuss, and demonstrate the process required to generate sustainable and profitable bids on construction contracts. The workshop also will examine pricing �green� construction requirements and the impact of environmental and energy conservation standards on construction pricing.
June 16 - Developing Winning Cost Proposals
This workshop is designed for both new and experienced business owners seeking to successfully compete as offerors for negotiated procurements. The workshop will cover the basics of developing a winning cost proposal and delves into what it takes to be successful in a highly competitive acquisitions environment. The course will focus on pre-RFP planning and positioning, solution analysis and development, and competitive analysis. The trainer will assist participants to effectively analyze an RFP, make an informed bid/no-bid decision, determine if you can make money on the contract and if so, how to proceed in responding to what the government requires and what your business needs to make a profit. This workshop will also include guidance on alternative pricing strategies, preparation for orals, tips for defending your bids and negotiation techniques.
This free training is presented by PbSi Performance Solutions, Inc. in partnership with VT Procurement Technical Assistance Center (VTPTAC).
Register online: http://www.pbsisbtraining.com
The U S Small Business Administration (SBA) contract number SBAHQ-10-C-0013 is funded by SBA. SBA's funding is not an endorsement of any products, options, or services. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.
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