วันพุธที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is ready!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA’s loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. Reinstatement of Recovery Act Provisions

2. Recovery Act Loan Documentation

3. Lender Portal Updates

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552


December 29, 2009
SBA TN Lenders,
On December 19, 2009, President Obama signed the Department of Defense
Appropriations Act, 2010 (P. L. 111-118). This legislation provides an
additional $125 million to support approximately $4.5 billion in new SBA 7(a)
and 504 loans under Sections 501 and 502 of the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the "Recovery Act"). Specifically, these funds are
available for the payment of certain 7(a) and 504 loan fees and a higher SBA
guaranty of up to 90 percent for certain 7(a) loans. Both initiatives have
contributed to a significant resurgence in funding to small business by SBA's
participating lenders and Certified Development Companies (CDCs) since
President Obama signed the Recovery Act into law on February 17, 2009.
As soon as the additional funds appropriated in the recent legislation are ready
to be released, all "conditionally approved" requests in the 7(a) and 504
Recovery Loan Queues will be funded, along with new loan requests, in the
order they are received, until the new funds are exhausted. Because of this
extension, new 7(a) loan applications with the higher guaranty may be
approved by SBA through February 28, 2010 or such earlier date as funds are
exhausted. Approvals of loans made possible by the new funding are expected
to begin December 28, 2009.
SBA will refund to lenders eligible fees on those non-Recovery Act loans
approved on or after December 19, 2009 that would have been eligible for fee
relief. There will be no fee refunds or higher guarantees for loans approved as
non-Recovery Act loans prior to December 19, 2009.
Please see attached SBA Notice 5000-1136 for complete details. Contact
your Lender Relations Specialist if you have any questions.

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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF TLNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพุธที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

December 2009 Newsletter

Here's our December 2009 newsletter.

Happy Holidays from your friends at the SBA - San Diego District Office.


As always, if you no longer want to be on the mailing list; just forward this
message to me with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the message. I will remove your name
from the list and send a message to you to let you that it was removed.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A message from the California State Board of Equalization

The California State Board of Equalization has asked us to send this notice and
message to our newsletter subscribers to inform them of a new federal law.
We will send these notices from Federal, State or Local government agencies
to inform you of changes to laws that affect business interests.

As always, if you no longer wish to receive our newsletters or these notices,
please forward this e-mail to richard.blum@sba.gov with unsubscribe in the
message and I will remove your name from the e-mail distribution list.


Dear Community Partners and Associations:
Flavored Cigarettes Banned in U.S.

A new federal law went into effect on September 22, 2009, banning flavored
cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco from being manufactured, imported or
sold in the United States. These products are subject to seizure by federal,
state, or local enforcement authorities. Members of your association who sell
cigarettes or roll-your-own tobacco may be affected by this new law. It is
important, therefore, that your members are informed of the new restrictions
regarding the sale of these products.

The State Board of Equalization (BOE) is asking for your assistance with our
efforts to inform individuals and businesses who sell these types of products.
Attached to this email is Special Notice on this topic. This Special Notice is
also available on the BOE website at

Your assistance in helping us spread the word is greatly appreciated! We
encourage you to share this information with your members as soon as

In addition to the attached Special Notice, the BOE has a variety of other
outreach tools. We would greatly appreciate your time in completing the brief
online survey to provide us your feedback on how you can assist with our
education and outreach efforts. Please respond by Friday, December 11,

Click here to take the brief survey

If you indicated you are interested in partnering with us, one of our Outreach
Analysts listed below will be contacting you soon to coordinate our joint
outreach efforts.

Southern California Northern California & Bay
Ms. Joan Groener Ms. Linda Lewis
Phone: 310-342-1043 Phone: 916 322-8400
Email: Joan.groener@boe.ca.gov Email:

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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันอังคารที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

SBA Utah District December Newsletter



Nancy Byerly

Lead Business Development Specialist

U.S. Small Business Administration

125 S. State Street, Room 2227

Salt Lake City, UT 84138

Phone: (801) 524-6831

Fax: (801) 524-4160

วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Upcoming ReadyTalk Session on Thursday

First Thursday ReadyTalk Agenda
December 3, 2009
10:00 am

The agenda for the next monthly ReadyTalk session for lenders is scheduled
for Thursday, December 3 (if there are any additional items you'd like the
Michigan District Office to cover beyond these, let Al Cook know by e-mail at


New Unilateral Matrix (Again!)

Update on Recovery Act, Notice 5000-1131
Updates on Loan Activity

Lenders' Conference, (scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, 2010)

General Q & A with participating lenders

ReadyTalk is a Webinar program utilizing the Internet and a conference call
system. To access the system:

From your computer:

1. Logon to www.readytalk.com

2. Login as a participant using the access code 3051501

3. Enter your name, e-mail address, and company name as requested

From your telephone:

1. Dial 866.740.1260

2. Enter the Access Code 3051501 & press #

3. Say hello!

If this is your first ReadyTalk Conference, we recommend that you test your
browser compatibility and network connection prior to the conference by
logging onto the ReadyTalk site and click on the "Test your Computer" button
under the login.

Please join us on December 3.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

November 2009 Newsletter

Here's our November newsletter with the end of the year data on Lender

As always, if you would like to be removed from the mailing list, just forward
this message with cancel or unsubscribe in the subject and I will removed your
name from the list.


Richard Blum

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Funds still remain available for the ARC program

This is a reminder that funds still remain available for the ARC program under
the Recovery Act. The transition period that began Monday, November 24,
2009, only applies to Recovery Act fee relief and the higher guarantee levels in
the 7(a) and 504 loan programs.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF LENDER
A subject is not required.

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Transition Period for SBA Initiatives under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

Transition Period for SBA Initiatives under ARRA begins November 23, 2009.

Based on the activity to date, SBA projects that the Agency will have funds to
support these two Recovery Act initiatives through late-November 2009.
Therefore, with this notice SBA is establishing procedures in anticipation of the
end of the availability of Recovery Act funds, and creation of a queue for loans
submitted post November 22,2009. Please see the attached Transition Period
Notice for complete details. Once the appropriated Recovery Act funds are
exhausted, some funds are projected to become available again as previously
approved Recovery Act loans are cancelled.



Please visit our home page for lender updates, rankings, news and related
information at http://www.sba.gov/tn

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF TLNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Special Edition Newsletter on Co-op agreements

Here's a Special Newsletter edition on the strategic alliance memorandum
(SAM) between SBA and the City of San Diego. The signed agreement is
expected to allow SBA and the City of San Diego to work together to improve
business access to SBA resources in order to strengthen and expand small
business development in the local area.

As always, if you would like your name removed from the mailing list, forward
this e-mail me with unscribe in the subject and I will remove your name from
the list.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Latest Bank Notes is Ready!

Please see the attached Michigan Bank Notes on the Transition Period for
Initiatives under Sections 501 and 502 of the Recovery Act Fiscal 2009
Lending Report.

Thank you,
The Michigan District Office

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

October 2009 Newsletter

Here's our October 2009 newsletter with the end of the fiscal year standings in
loan volume.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

TN News and Updates

Thank you for subscribing to SBA's Tennessee Lender Newsletter.

Would like to see a lending topic covered in an upcoming issue?

Contact: Lisa Denson (615-736-2991) or Maria Lloyd (615-736-7427)

Tennessee District Office
50 Vantage Way, Suite 201, Nashville, TN 37228
(615) 736-5881 Fax (615) 736-7232

555 Beale Street, Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 526-9300 Fax (901) 544-3201

Tennessee SBA Website: www.sba.gov/localresources/district/tn/index.html

SBA Recovery Information Center www.sba.gov/recovery/index. html

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF TLNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is ready!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA’s loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. Fiscal 2009 Lending Report

2. Nominations For Michigan Celebrates Small Business

3. Proposal To Raise SBA Loan Limits

4. Lenders Supporting the 504 Loan Program

5. New Maximum Allowable Fixed Rate for 7(a) Loans

6. Upcoming ReadyTalk Session on November 5

And much more…

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at http://www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Newsletter September 2009

Here's the newsletter for September.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

FW: October Newsletter



Nancy Byerly

Business Development Specialist

U.S. Small Business Administration

125 S. State Street, Room 2227

Salt Lake City, UT 84138

Phone: (801) 524-6831

Fax: (801) 524-4160


From: Yoshida, Georgia C.
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 3:14 PM
To: Eames, Paula L.; Fewkes, Patricia W.; Gygi, John S.; Ketchersid, Brenda R.; Miller, Sharlene P.; Nakano, Stanley; Nancy Byerly; Newbold, Nick M.; Owens, S. Brent; Price, Steven S.; Rael, Mary P.; Richens, Cheryl L.; Workman, Melinda; Yoshida, Georgia C.; Yoshimura, Suzan O.
Subject: October Newsletter


Please send out the October Newsletter to your respective email  lists.


Georgia Yoshida

U.S. Small Business Administration

Business Development Specialist

Public Information Officer

Score Liaison

(801) 524-3217

(801) 524-4410 F



วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

SBA Seeks 2010 Small Business Awards Nominations


It's that time of year again... SBA's Michigan District Office is now accepting
nominations for its 2010 Small Business Awards, including the Michigan Small
Business Person of the Year.

The nomination process is simple. Nominators submit a one-page nomination
letter, in any format, to the SBA Michigan District Office by November 2,
2009. Those who advance to the final selection stage will be asked to submit
a more complete nomination packet.

Nominations will be accepted for the following categories:

Small Business Person of the Year

Entrepreneurial Success Award

Small Business Exporter

Family-Owned Small Business of the Year

Minority Small Business Champion of the Year

Women in Business Champion of the Year

Financial Services Champion of the Year

Home-Based Business Champion of the Year

Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year

Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Michigan Small Business Counselor of the Year

Small Business Counselor of the Year

Award winners will be honored at the 6th Annual Michigan Celebrates Small
Business awards event to be held on April 29, 2010. Criteria varies per award.
For example, nominees for Small Business Person of the Year will be evaluated
according to staying power; growth in number of employees, sales volume, and
profits; innovativeness of product/service; response to adversity; and
community service.

More information is available from the Michigan District Office at (313) 226-
6075, x279.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Update: Oct. 1, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. - First Thursday ReadyTalk Session

October 1, 2009 – 10:00 a.m.

First Thursday ReadyTalk Session

The Lender Relations Staff of the Michigan District Office will conduct the next
monthly ReadyTalk session for lenders on October 1 at 10:00 a.m. This
session will cover:

SOP 50-10-5(B) revisions – effective October 1

Updates to the ARC loan program

Updates on loan activity

General Q & A with participating lenders

Ready Talk is a Webinar program utilizing the internet and a conference call
system. To access the system:

From your computer:
1. Logon to www.readytalk.com
2. Login as a participant using the access code 3051501
4. Enter your name, email address, and company name as requested

From your telephone:
1. Dial 866.740.1260
2. Enter the Access Code 3051501 & press #
3. Say hello!

If this is your first ReadyTalk Conference, we recommend that you test your
browser compatibility and network connection prior to the conference by
logging onto the ReadyTalk site and click on the "Test your Computer" button
under the login.

Please join us on October 1 at 10:00 a.m.

Allen P. Cook
Assistant District Director
for Lender Relations
Michigan District Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
(313) 226-6075, Ext. 221
Fax (313) 226-4769

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

Upcoming ReadyTalk Session for Lenders - October 1

October 1, 2009
First Thursday ReadyTalk Session

The Lender Relations Staff of the Michigan District Office will conduct the next
monthly ReadyTalk session for lenders on October 1. This session will cover:

SOP 50-10-5(B) revisions – effective October 1

Updates to the ARC loan program

Updates on loan activity

General Q & A with participating lenders

ReadyTalk is a Webinar program utilizing the internet and a conference call
system. To access the system:

From your computer:
1. Logon to www.readytalk.com
2. Login as a participant using the access code 3051501
4. Enter your name, email address, and company name as requested

From your telephone:
1. Dial 866.740.1260
2. Enter the Access Code 3051501 & press #
3. Say hello!

If this is your first ReadyTalk Conference, we recommend that you test your
browser compatibility and network connection prior to the conference by
logging onto the ReadyTalk site and click on the "Test your Computer" button
under the login.

Please join us on October 1.

Allen P. Cook
Assistant District Director
for Lender Relations
Michigan District Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
(313) 226-6075, Ext. 221
Fax (313) 226-4769

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

2009 VT Women's Economic Opportunity Conference

13th Annual VT Women's Economic Opportunity Conference on October 17,
2009 at Vermont Technical College campus in Randolph Center, VT

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MONTPELIERVT
A subject is not required.

วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Corrected Link for New CPC Tabs Available on the NGPC website

Here is the corrected link for the New CPC Tabs Available on the NGPC website


If you are having trouble accessing the link, please copy the address and
paste it into your browser

Sorry for the confusion.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF LENDER
A subject is not required.

Corrected link

The SBA's National Guaranty Purchase Center (NGPC) would like to announce
the creation and posting of a 7-tab system for submitting Care and
Preservation of Collateral Expense Reimbursement requests.

Please visit the website at
to view and use the new tabs. If you are
requesting reimbursement of expenses during the guaranty purchase process,
please use the 7-tab system as described on tab 10 of the 10-tab purchase

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF LENDER
A subject is not required.

New CPC Tabs Available on the NGPC website

The SBA's National Guaranty Purchase Center (NGPC) would like to announce
the creation and posting of a 7-tab system for submitting Care and
Preservation of Collateral Expense Reimbursement requests.

Please visit the website at
to view and use the new tabs. If you are requesting reimbursement of
expenses during the guaranty purchase process, please use the 7-tab system
as described on tab 10 of the 10-tab purchase system.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF LENDER
A subject is not required.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is ready!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA's loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. Updated ARC Loan Program Procedural Guide

2. Lender Payments to SBA

3. Update of 7(a) Authorization Wizard

4. Issuance of SOP 50 10 5(B)

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at http://www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

August 2009 Newsletter

Here's the August 2009 newsletter.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Nancy Byerly
Business Development Specialist and
Veteran Officer
US Small Business Administration
125 South State Street, Room 2227
Salt Lake City, UT 84138
Phone: (801) 524-6831
Fax: (801)524-4160

วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

July 2009 Newsletter

Here's our July 2009 newsletter, enjoy!

As always, if you do not want to continue to receive these newsletters,
forward the newsletter to richard.blum@sba.gov with cancel in the subject
and I will remove your name from the mailing list.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is Ready!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA's loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. Fiscal 2009 Third Quarter Lending Report

2. Servicing and Liquidation Authority of 7(a) Lenders

3. ARC Loan Reporting

4. Upcoming ReadyTalk Session

5. Dealer Floor Plan Financing Available

And more…

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at http://www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF MIBANKNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

July SBA Newsletter

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

June 2009 Newsletter

Here's our newsletter for June 2009.


As always, if you do not want to continue to receive these e-mails, reply to
this message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject and I will remove your name
from the e-mailing list.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF SANDNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันพุธที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cancellation of Lender Training / June 30, 2009

The ReadyTalk **E-Tran Training** event planned for **June 30, 2009**
has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date. We apologize for
any inconvenience this may have caused.

Anna Maria Lloyd 615-736-7427 East Tn Lender Relations

Lisa J. Denson 615-736-2991 West Tn Lender Relations

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV
The body of the message should read SIGNOFF TLNEWSLETTER
A subject is not required.

วันอังคารที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

SBA San Diego's 2009 Awards Newsletter

Here's our awards newsletter for Small Business Week 2009. Enjoy Rick

As always, if you would like to stop receiving these e-mails, please respond
with "cancel" in the subject. Make sure you when you respond that I have
your correct e-mail address you used to start the account, otherwise I may
not be able to find your e-mail address and will not be able to stop the

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วันพุธที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Correction to FAX Number - should be (619) 557-5894

Dear SBA Clients and Friends,

SBA is currently seeking stories, from small business owners, about their
struggles with healthcare - 2 examples below.
Healthcare Story Example 1
Monaghan Medical in Plattsburgh is an employer of about 80 workers that is
struggling with health care costs. They prided themselves on providing full
benefits to their employees and are now forced to pass some cost on to
them. In addition, because of the new COBRA requirements, they are
changing their policy on health benefits and not extending benefits to
employees until after a six month probationary period to preserve cash flow
(they used to provide benefits immediately).
Healthcare Story Example 2:
Yes, with the downturn in the economy and inconsistent business flow it has
been overwhelming difficult to offer health care. Because of the cost we have
chosen to use independent contractors for most of our projects and not bring
on permanent employees.
Best regards,

Winslow Garnier
Garnier Group and Associates, LLC

If you have a similar story, please complete the attached form and fax it to
Attn: Cynthia Harris at (619) 557-5894 or 1-202-481-0895.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Best regards,
Cynthia Harris
Business Development Specialist
U.S. Small Business Administration
550 West C Street, Suite 550
San Diego, CA 92101-3500
(619) 727-4884 Direct

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วันอังคารที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

SBA is currently seeking stories, from small business owners, about their struggles with healthcare

SBA is conducting research about the difficulties small businesses are having
with healthcare. If you would like to send your input on this important matter,
please fill out the FAX form attached to this e-mail. You are under no
obligation to complete this FAX form.

As always, if you do not want to receive e-mails from the SBA San Diego
District Office, please reply with unsubscribe in the subject and I will
personally remove your name from the list and send a notification that your
request was completed.

Dear SBA Clients and Friends,

SBA is currently seeking stories, from small business owners, about their
struggles with healthcare - 2 examples below.
Healthcare Story Example 1
Monaghan Medical in Plattsburgh is an employer of about 80 workers that is
struggling with health care costs. They prided themselves on providing full
benefits to their employees and are now forced to pass some cost on to
them. In addition, because of the new COBRA requirements, they are
changing their policy on health benefits and not extending benefits to
employees until after a six month probationary period to preserve cash flow
(they used to provide benefits immediately).

Healthcare Story Example 2:
Yes, with the downturn in the economy and inconsistent business flow it has
been overwhelming difficult to offer health care. Because of the cost we have
chosen to use independent contractors for most of our projects and not bring
on permanent employees.
Best regards,

Winslow Garnier
Garnier Group and Associates, LLC

If you have a similar story, please complete the attached form and fax it to
Attn: Cynthia Harris at (619) 557-7250 or (202) 481-0895.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Best regards,
Cynthia Harris
Business Development Specialist
U.S. Small Business Administration
550 West C Street, Suite 550
San Diego, CA 92101-3500
(619) 727-4884 Direct

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วันจันทร์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Lender Training

Please see the attached PDF concerning the LENDER ARC Loan & E-Tran
Processing Training for Michigan.

The Michigan District Office

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วันศุกร์ที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

ARC Loan Training & E-Tran processing/origination training-June 15

Below is the schedule for Lender training which will begin this Monday, June
15. The training will consist of approximately 1.5 hours of ARC Loan Training
and Q&A followed by 1 hour E-Tran processing/origination training. The
training will be conducted via Ready Talk on the phone and web as follows:

Phone: 866-740-1260

Web: www.readytalk.com

Access Code (for both Phone and Web) 2770106

We strongly encourage lenders to call in the time appointed for their Region.
TIME ZONE. If you are unable to make the call during the Region 4 schedule,
please join during another session. These are the only dates ARC training is
being provided.

Lenders may participate in both the ARC Loan and E-Tran training, the ARC
Loan training only or the E-Tran training only. If they want ARC Loan training
only, they can disconnect whenever it is over. If they need E-Tran training
only, they may call in at the appointed time for the E-Tran portion of the

Training Type Region Date Time (EASTERN)

ARC Loan for Lenders 4 Monday, June 15 8:30 AM -
10:00 AM
E Tran Processing for Lenders Monday, June 15 10:00 AM -
11:00 AM

ARC Loan for Lenders 1 Monday, June 15 12:00 PM -
1:30 PM
E Tran Processing for Lenders Monday, June 15 1:30 PM -
2:30 PM

ARC Loan for Lenders 9 Monday, June 15 2:30 PM -
4:00 PM
E Tran Processing for Lenders Monday, June 15 4:00 PM -
5:00 PM

ARC Loan for Lenders 6 Tuesday, June 16 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
E Tran Processing for Lenders Tuesday, June 16 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

ARC Loan for Lenders 2 Tuesday, June 16 12:00 PM - 1:30
E Tran Processing for Lenders Tuesday, June 16 1:30 PM - 2:30

ARC Loan for Lenders 8 Tuesday, June 16 2:30 PM - 4:00
E Tran Processing for Lenders Tuesday, June 16 4:00 PM - 5:00

ARC Loan for Lenders 5 Tuesday, June 16 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
E Tran Processing for Lenders Tuesday, June 16 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

ARC Loan for Lenders 3 Tuesday, June 16 12:00 PM - 1:30
E Tran Processing for Lenders Tuesday, June 16 1:30 PM - 2:30

ARC Loan for Lenders 10 Wednesday, June 17 2:30 PM -
4:00 PM
E Tran Processing for Lenders Wednesday, June 17 4:00 PM -
5:00 PM

ARC Loan for Lenders 7 Wednesday, June 17 8:30 AM -
10:00 AM
E Tran Processing for Lenders Wednesday, June 17 10:00 AM -
11:00 AM

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is ready!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA's loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. America's Recovery Capital Loan Program

2. Lender Training for ARC Loan Program

And more…

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at http://www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

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วันอังคารที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

June Lender News & ARC Loan Information

June Lender News including information on the ARRA Program Changes;
featuring no guaranty fee and increased SBA guaranty percentage. News is
coming on Dealer Floorplan financing....

Information on the ARC Loan Program to be available on June 15, 2009. The
Forms and Program Guide are available for download NOW.

Contact your Lender Relations Specialist for complete information if you are
not a SBA lender already.

Tennessee Rankings:
http://www.sba.gov/tn and click on the Financing Link.

Thank you.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

June Newsletter

Attached is the newsletter for June.  Please forward it to all of your contacts.  Thanks!


Pat Fewkes

Lender Relations Specialist

SBA Utah District Office

(801) 524-3218


ARC Stabilization Loan Program - Ready Talk Session on June 10th

ARC Stabilization Loan Program
Ready Talk Session
June 10, 2009

The Lender Relations Staff of the Michigan District Office will conduct a Ready
Talk session on Wednesday, June 10 at 10:00. We will cover the details about
the ARC Loan Program that starts on June 15.

Also, don't forget our continuing First Thursday sessions which will resume on
July 2 at 10:00 a.m. This is a general update about SBA programs and some
will cover specific topics.

Ready Talk is Webinar program utilizing the internet and a conference call
system. To access the system:

From your computer:
1. Logon to www.readytalk.com
2. Login as a participant using the access code 3051501
3. Enter your name, email address, and company name as requested

From your telephone:
1. Dial 866.740.1260
2. Enter the Access Code 3051501 & press #
3. Say hello!

If this is your first Ready Talk Conference, we recommend that you test your
browser compatibility and network connection prior to the conference by
logging onto the Ready Talk site and click on the "Test your Computer" button
under the login.

The Michigan District Office

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วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

May 2009 Newsletter

Here's our newsletter for May 2009. We will sending a special Small Business
Week Awards Newsletter next week.


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วันพุธที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Good news from the IRS about the Stimulus Package

The IRS has asked us to send this notice to small businesses to clarify the
changes in Tax credits affecting the 2009 tax year.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provides energy
incentives for both individuals and businesses. This is the official name of the
stimulus package.

Consult your accountant or tax professional to insure if these changes apply
to your business.


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วันอังคารที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Small Business Awards Luncheon May 27, 2009

The U.S. Small Business Administration announced today that its Associate
Administrator Joseph Jordan will address the attendees at the 2009 San Diego
Small Business Awards Luncheon, presented by the San Diego Regional
Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the U.S. Small Business

For more information go to www.sdchamber.org or call 619-544-1370.

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New Loan Program called America=?WINDOWS-1252?Q?=92s_?= Recovery Capital (ARC) loans

SBA is pleased to announce a new loan program called America's Recovery
Capital (ARC) loans.

ARC loans are deferred-payment loans of up to $35,000 available to
established, viable, for profit small businesses that need short-term help to
make their principal and interest payments on existing qualifying debt.

ARC loans are interest-free to the borrower, 100 percent guaranteed by
the SBA, and have no SBA fees associated with them.

As with all SBA loans, these loans are from a lender with the SBA guaranteed
to the lender.

Call either Juile Talley at (619) 727-4870 or me, Rick Blum at (619) 727-4872 if
you have questions on these loans that is not answered by this press release.

As always, if you like to stop receiving these e-mail messages, just send a
response to richard.blum@sba.gov with unsubscribe in the subject and I will
remove your name from the database.



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วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

SBA's New 100-Percent Guarantee ARC Loan Program

Please see the attached Michigan Bank Notes on SBA's Launching of the New
100-Percent Guarantee ARC Loan Program to Help Struggling Small Businesses.

Thank you,
The Michigan District Office

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วันศุกร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

วันพุธที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is ready!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA's loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. New Alternative Size Standard for 7(a) Loans Published

2. ARC Stabilization Loans

And more…

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at http://www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

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วันศุกร์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Recovery Act Contracting Opportunities

The SBA has developed the attached guide to answer questions about Small
Business Contracting Opportunities in the Recovery Act.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

April 2009 Newsletter

Here's our April Newsletter!!


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วันอังคารที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Government Contracting Event

Matchmaker Conference on Friday May 1, 2009, 7:00am - 3:30pm
Sheraton Conference Center, Burlington, VT

Meet with prime contractors and find out about specific contracting
Learn the basic tools you'll need to find opportunities, prepare bids, and win
government contracts.
Meet one-on-one with technical assistance providers who can walk you
through the process.
Network with peers to learn about strategies they use to obtain government
contracts as prime contractors and subcontractors.
For more information: www.vtsbdc.org/getcontracts.cfm

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วันศุกร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached!

Dear Subscriber,

The latest Michigan Bank Notes newsletter is attached.

The Michigan Bank Notes is a periodic newsletter that provides the lending
community with up-to-date information on SBA programs and issues affecting
SBA's loan programs.

In this edition you will find:

1. Fiscal 2009 Second Quarter Lending Report

2. 11th Annual Michigan SBA Lenders' Conference and Awards

3. First Thursday Lender Forum

4. Michigan Celebrates Small Business – 2009 Michigan Small Business Persons
of the Year and champion awards.

5. Update on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

6. Detecting Fraud in SBA Lending Programs

And more…

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at http://www.sba.gov/mi or telephone (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Free assistance for Home Owners

From time to time, the SBA will send information to you via this Newsletter list
on items that are important to Small Business. SBA does not endorse nor is a
sponsor of this event.

Do you or someone you know having problems in making their home mortgage
payments? Maybe you would like to modify your loan? Project Homeowner
might be able to help.

This free seminar is available to assist you in learning about the options you
have to able to stay in your home. They are in San Diego on Saturday April
18, 2009 from 10AM to 4PM at the San Diego Concourse - Golden Hall 202 C
Street San Diego CA 92101.

Contact them at www.ProjectHomeCA.com to register.

If you do not want to receive e-mail messages or the newsletter any more,
please send me an unsubscribe message and I will remove your name from the
distribution list.


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วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

VT SBA April 2009 Newsletter

Attached please find the April 2009 edition of SBA Spotlight from the Vermont
District Office.

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April Utah Newsletter

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

March 2009 Newsletter

Our March 2009 issue is dedicated our colleague, George P. Chandler, who was
tragically killed in an automobile accident last month. Even though he
was "retired", he never stopped being an advocate for business and the arts in
San Diego.

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March 2009 Newsletter

Our March 2009 issue is dedicated our colleague, George P. Chandler, who was
tragically killed in an automobile accident last month. Even though he
was "retired", he never stopped being an advocate for business and the arts in
San Diego.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

WebExpress April 8, 2009 & Recovery Act 2009 Update

Make plans to join us for a NAGGL WebExpress event April 8, 2009. In addition to the information being presented on "Protecting Your Guaranty" SBA staff will update attendees on implementation of the Recovery Act as it impacts SBA guaranty lending products. Dont miss this opportunity to BE INFORMED!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV The body of the message should read SIGNOFF TLNEWSLETTER A subject is not required. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The American Recovery and Reinvestment ACT (ARRA), signed into law on
2/17/2009 by President Obama, contains many initiatives that are being rolled
out to help the country's small businesses during these challenging times.

The ARRA has numerous tax incentives and credit stimulus elements targeted
to help small business owners as they navigate these challenging times. In
particular the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has been authorized to
temporarily eliminate most borrower fees associated with new guaranteed
loans. Many more provisions in the ARRA provide stimulus to the economy and
involve other Federal and State agencies.

To learn more about the changes within the SBA, go to
http://www.sba.gov/recovery/index.html. The site can be accessed through
the Vermont District Office's SBA website at:
http://www.sba.gov/localresources/district/vt/index.html. Other Federal and
State Agencies will have information as to how the act can benefit you and
your small business as well.

We encourage you to seek out more information and support with your
business efforts by viewing these websites or by calling us at the Vermont
SBA District Office in Montpelier. We can be reached at (802) 828-4422, and
look forward to assisting you.

Vermont District Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
87 State Street Room 205
Montpelier, Vermont 05602

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Free help from the IRS for Tax Season

The SBA will from time to time send information that pertains to small
businesses in addition to our newsletter.

This Saturday, March 21 is being called Super Saturday by the IRS. They will
have several sites that you can visit to get help with your tax questions. Both
individuals and businesses are welcomed to contact the IRS about this free
service for taxpayers. See the attached document for further information.


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วันอังคารที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Implementation of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Please see the attached Michigan Bank Notes on SBA and the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Thank you,
The Michigan District Office

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I would like to personally invite you to the U. S. General Services Administration’s (GSA), free, 15th International Products and Services Exposition in San Antonio, TX, June 9-11, 2009. The EXPO is the Federal Governments’ annual premier training and trade show event.

For information, please go to the Expo website at http://expo.gsa.gov.  There you can register as an attendee, review the training matrix, reserve a hotel, and obtain additional information regarding the EXPO.  

To help you better understand the various training available for your benefit, I have listed some of the specific sessions you might be interested in attending:  

Performance-based Acquisition
Contract Law: Post Award
 “Green” solutions: 3 days of courses
GSA eTools: GSA Advantage, eBuy, eLibrary
SmartPay: 3 days of courses and
DoD EMALL User Training
Defense Travel Management & System Overview  
All this and more….FREE!!!

I look forward to seeing you in San Antonio!

Erich Schuette
Customer Service Director
Federal Acquisition Service
324 25th St
Ogden, UT 84401
Phone 801 455 8473

Expo 2009 Logo

Plan now to attend the GSA Expo, June 9 - 11, 2009 in San Antonio, Texas!

For updated information and to register, visit

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Michigan SBA Lenders' Conference - Registration is Still Open

11th Annual SBA Lenders' Conference

March 20, 2009

Latest Updates on the Economic Recovery Plan
and the SBA Processing SOP

Kellogg Center, East Lansing

Highlights of Impact of Stimulus Bill on SBA Programs
Increase loan guarantee to as much as 90%
Temporary fee reductions or eliminations
Business Stabilization Loans - new SBA program to provide deferred-payment
loans of up to $35,000 with 100% SBA guarantee
Refinancing through the 504 program for existing loans for fixed assets

See attached PDF for complete descriptions and registration.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Web Chat on "The Recovery Act and your Small Business"

The SBA has received numerous calls concerning the stimulus package and we
have created this Web Chat forum to help answer your questions.

The date is March 19, 2009 from 10 - 11AM PDT.

Go to: www.sba.gov and click on the "Online Business Chat" icon at that time
to join the discussion.

If you have any questions about the stimulus plan (The American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act is the formal name), please call us at (619) 727-4883
and we will connect you with someone who can answer your questions.


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Former SBA San Diego District Director George Chandler obituary

It is with deep sorrow that we inform you that George Peel Chandler, Jr., a
committed board member of the International Community Foundation, died on
March 6, 2009 when he was tragically hit by a car running a red light as he
was returning home from the San Diego Natural History Museum's Dos Aguilas
event where our foundation's President was being honored.

A memorial service is scheduled on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 10:00 am
followed by an internment at El Camino Memorial Park Cemetery, 5600 Carroll
Canyon Road, San Diego, CA. A "Celebration of Life" tribute to George Chandler
is scheduled following the internment at 12:30 pm at the San Diego Air &amp;
Space Museum located at 2001 Pan American Plaza, Balboa Park, San Diego,
CA 92101

George was born in Knoxville , TN , a gentleman in the truest Southern
tradition. He attended the University of Tennessee where he earned his BS in
Electrical Engineering, graduating with honors. He followed by serving in Europe
as a US Air Force officer, responsible for a Nike missile site.

Remaining in Europe after discharge, he accepted a position as engineering
executive with International Telephone & Telegraph Company.

After working abroad, George returned to school where he attended the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management,
earning an M.S. degree in Management. George then commenced a career
lasting 21 years with the National Aeronautics & Space Agency (NASA).

While working at NASA, George undertook increasingly important tasks,
including serving as the NASA Headquarters Mission Engineer for Apollo 4, 10,
11 (first manned lunar landing) and 13. From 1976 to 1981, he was the
Director of NASA&#700;s Scientific and Technical Information Program, Washington,
DC where his accomplishments included establishing one of the world's largest,
most sophisticated data bases with two million titles, 60,000 acquisitions and
world-wide on-line search capability. At one time he worked directly with the
renowned rocketry genius Dr. Werner Von Braun.

In 1981, George decided to return to his roots as a small business
entrepreneur following on the footsteps of his father who owned the largest
printing company in East Tennessee . His extensive federal career, however,
led him to believe that he could best champion the ideals of small business
ownership by becoming Director of the San Diego District Office of the US
Small Business Administration (SBA).

From 1981 through 2005, George served SBA as its local Director, and through
his leadership the office increased annual financing obtained by small
businesses from $20 million to $400 million, total loan portfolio from $200 million
to $3 billion, and government contracts awarded to small businesses from $10
million to $110 million. Several years running, the San Diego District Office was
named the best performing SBA office in the entire country.

George was the inspirational, founding Chairman of MIT Enterprise Forum, San
Diego . He also was named to the newly organized Board of Directors of the
MIT Club of San Diego, where he served with commitment and loyalty as a
model leader expanding interest and membership. His engaging personality and
reliable presence at most functions served to connect alumni of every age to
the organization's membership rolls.

George was an engaged civic leader. In addition to this leadership role with
SBA he also served in several key committee roles with the San Diego Chamber
of Commerce and served as a member of the City of San Diego's Economic
Development Task Force. George also led several community group trips to the
USSR and Peoples Republic of China .

With the International Community Foundation, George served on the
foundation's board since 2006 and held leadership positions as Board Secretary
as well as serving as a member of the Investment Committee. His role on the
board of directors of Mainly Mozart gives breath to his interest and support of
the arts in the San Diego-Baja California region.

George is survived by his wife, Irene Chandler of La Jolla, brother, John
Chandler of Ocala , Fla. and sister, Carol Evans Chandler of South Carolina .

George left us all too quickly, but he will be remembered by us all as a superior
example of one man's commitment to the public good. He will be sorely missed.

In lieu of flowers, George's family has asked that donations be sent to in his
memory to Mainly Mozart, the International Community Foundation and/or the
San Diego Air & Space Museum . Donations in George's honor may be made
online or sent to the following address:

International Community Foundation
2505 N Avenue
National City , Ca. 91950

A video of George Chandler's life and professional accomplishments may be
viewed at: www.lajollasbest.com

Richard Kiy
President & CEO
International Community Foundation

Copyright © 2009 | 2505 N Avenue, National City , CA 91950 USA |
Telephone: (619) 336-2250 | Fax: (619) 336-2249

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วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

March Lender News & Update

Attached is March's news and updates. Highlights of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act contain a package of loan fee reductions, higher guarantees, new SBA programs, secondary market incentives, and enhancements to current SBA programs. The Agency is in the process of designing and implementing these changes as this newsletter is being written. Details will be shared as soon as they become available. We look forward to working with you this year. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to LISTSERV@NEWGANGES.SBA.GOV The body of the message should read SIGNOFF TLNEWSLETTER A subject is not required. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

March Newsletter

Here is the Utah District Office Newsletter

Nancy Byerly

Business Development Specialist

US Small Business Administration

125 South State Street, Room 2227

Salt Lake City, UT 84138

Phone:  (801) 524-6831

Fax:  (801)524-4160


Goodwill Lending Provisions and Annual Lenders' Conference

Dear Subscribers,

Attached is the notice that revises the Goodwill Lending Provisions in the
recently revised SOP. SBA will consider higher limits on a case-by-case.

Also attached is the 2009 Annual Lenders' Conference Flyer. Full updates on
the provisions of the Recovery Plan will be covered at the conference.

For more information about the SBA's Michigan District Office, please visit our
Web site at http://www.sba.gov/mi or telephone at (313) 226-6075.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

The Michigan District Office

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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Stimulus Bill and Small Business Impact

We have developed this news release to let you know what the SBA is going in
regards to the Stimulus Bill. If you have any questions concerning the
Stimulus Bill and how if affects your business, please call the SBA - San Diego
Office at (619) 727-4883 or our SCORE counselors at (619) 557-7272. We are
here to help Small Businesses through this difficult time.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

February 2009 Newsletter

Here's our latest newsletter.


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วันพุธที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Upcoming SBA Lenders' Conference & the Latest Updates on the Stimulus Plan & the SBA Processing SOP

Register Today for the 11th Annual SBA Lenders' Conference!

When: March 20, 2009

Where: Kellogg Center, East Lansing

Why: Latest Updates on the Stimulus Plan and the SBA Processing SOP and
much more....

Highlights of Impact of Stimulus Bill on SBA Programs
• Increase loan guarantee to as much as 90%
• Temporary fee reductions or eliminations
• Business Stabilization Loans - new SBA program to provide deferred-
payment loans of up to $35,000 with 100% SBA guarantee
• Refinancing through the 504 program for existing loans for fixed

For more information, visit:

Thank you,
The Michigan District Office

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

SBA Warns of Fraudulent Attempts to Obtain Bank Account Information from Small Businesses

Dear Subscriber,

The U.S. Small Business Administration has issued a scam alert to small
businesses, warning them not to respond to letters falsely claiming to have
been sent by the SBA asking for bank account information in order to qualify
them for federal tax rebates.

The fraudulent letters were sent out with what appears to be an SBA
letterhead to small businesses across the country, advising recipients that
they may be eligible for a tax rebate under the Economic Stimulus Act, and
that SBA is assessing their eligibility for such a rebate. The letter asks the
small business to provide the name of its bank and account number.

These letters have not been sent by or authorized by the SBA, and all small
businesses are strongly advised not to respond to them.

The scheme is similar in many ways to e-mail scams often referred to
as "phishing" that seek personal data and financial account information that
enables another party to access and individual's bank accounts or to engage
in identity theft.

The SBA is working with the SBA Office of Inspector General to investigate this
matter. The Office of Inspector General asks that anyone who receives such
a letter report it to the OIG Fraud Line at 1 (800) 767-0385, or e-mail at

Thank you,
The Michigan District Office

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